Having HMRC gateway account might help you to understand your current tax position and tracking your tax submission and outstanding tax liability better.

Simple step to create the account
Go to HMRC’s login page.
Click the GREEN sign in button.

Click “Create sign in details”

Enter your email address where requested.
You will now be emailed a confirmation code. Use this code to confirm your email address.
Follow the online steps entering the appropriate information as prompted.
You will now be issued with a User ID for your Government Gateway account. Please save this and keep it somewhere safe because if you lose it can create a lot of work in the future! IMPORTANT: The User ID is sometimes confused for your UTR (personal tax ID number), to know what your UTR number is, click here.
You will then be requested to choose which type of account you need, select the relevant type from the list:

Complete the details requested by HMRC for the type of account you select.